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Application for Student Assistant Programmer in Student

Please summarize your interest (a short paragraph should suffice). Then, in a list format, enumerate your experience with each of these technologies (you are not expected to have experience with them all): • Python • Django • Javascript • Jquery • CSS • HTML • PHP • SQL Finally, please include a resume or CV.
Applicant Information
Application instructions Please summarize your interest (a short paragraph should suffice). Then, in a list format, enumerate your experience with each of these technologies (you are not expected to have experience with them all): • Python • Django • Javascript • Jquery • CSS • HTML • PHP • SQL Finally, please include a resume or CV.
Please upload appropriate documents for this application. All files must be in PDF format. Application instructions Paragraph of interest In list format enumerate your experience with each of these technologies (you are not expected to have experience with them all): • Python • Django • Javascript • Jquery • CSS • HTML • PHP • SQL CV required