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Allowable & Prohibited Pcard Expenses

Allowable Uses

  1. Is the item available through the University’s e-procurement tool?
  • https://www.purdue.edu/procurement/purchasing/index.php
  1. If the item cannot be made though the University’s e-procurement tool, first make sure it is not a prohibited item.  If not, the pcard can be used
  2. Is it a repetitive purchase?
  3. If so, Procurement Services should be contacted for other procurement methods to acquire the item.
  4. If not, a pcard can be used   
  5. The University is tax exempt
  6. But food and beverage provided by a caterer or restaurant are NOT exempt

Prohibited Uses

  1. Personal Transactions
  2. Cash Advances
  3. Travel & Entertainment
  4. Alcoholic Beverages 
  5. Escort Services
  6. Capital Assets
  7. Personal Service Payments
  8. Cylinder Gases
  9. Fuel
  10. Commodities or services required to be purchased through current contracts or that are available through the university e-procurement tool
  11. Used at auctions or for used equipment on Ebay
    • Contact Procurement for assistance with these types of purchases
  12. Printing Services
  13. Any goods or services not directly benefiting Purdue University

Pcard Manual: https://purdue0.sharepoint.com/sites/Procure/training/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2FProcure%2Ftraining%2FShared%20Documents%2FPurchasing%20Card%20Manual%2Epdf&parent=%2Fsites%2FProcure%2Ftraining%2FShared%20Documents&p=true&wdLOR=cE0CE23A8%2D01FD%2D4BDD%2DB8E8%2D7753DA2B9A4A&ga=1&_ga=2%2E241267714%2E1817842428%2E1692627751%2D798322920%2E1692627751