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Allowable and Prohibited Tcard Expenses

Allowable Uses

  1. Airfare
  2. Baggage Fees
  3. Lodging
  4. Car Rental (including gasoline)
  5. Registration Fees
  6. Parking
  7. Ground Transportation
  8. Meals -- Meals are an allowable business expense and may be charged to the Visa Travel Card while in travel status. These charges are non-reimbursable and should be identified as “Meal Expense” and marked “personal” on an Expense Report. Meals are included in the per diem reimbursement provided to travelers.
  9. Meals that are Hospitality related
  10. Cash Advance

Prohibited Uses

  1. Personal transactions
  2. Alcoholic Beverages
  3. Making charges while not in travel status and not related to university business
  4. Allowing someone else (co-worker, family, friend) to make purchases
  5. Payment for insurance, including car rental, lost baggage and travel related