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PRF card Reconciliation General Guidance & Training PowerPoint

Cycle Period

16th through the 15th each month

Expenses will charge to the account around the 21st of each month


Reconcilers should have the previous cycle’s transactions reconciled against the JP Morgan’s transaction report by the 20th of each month

Reconciler Task

Reconciler will compare the JP Morgan’s transaction report against itemized receipt(s)/packing slip backup

Within the JP Morgan site, accounts listed should only be the ones assigned to that Reconciler

Reconcilers should save each cycle’s sign-out sheets, itemized receipts/packing slips, JP Morgan transaction report and expense justification explanation under their TEAMS folder

If a transaction discrepancy is found, a dispute form must be completed and forwarded to the bank w/in 60 days of the transaction’s posting date

File Name Download
PRF Training PPT.pptx Download
PRF JPMorgan Review Steps QRG 3-4-24.pdf Download
PRF QRG DRAFT 2-5-24.pdf Download