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Hazard Communication Awareness Training

All employees of Purdue are required by O.S.H.A. and Purdue University's Dept. of Environmental Health and Safety {EHS) to complete a short Safety Training Video. Although this video covers many hazardous chemicals that are not often used in our buildings, we are all required to view & complete this training video (below), only once, as soon as possible.


Please use the blue link, above, to open a REM page with Hazard Communication at the top.

Scroll down a little bit to a double column, bordered on top and left, in gold.

Since our buildings only contain Classrooms, Computer Labs, Office/ Ad min Areas, and the Parrish Library, our required training is the Awareness Training. Click on Awareness Training at the top or bottom of the left column.

This will open a Hazard Communication Awareness Training video site. Click on the grey triangle, then again, to begin the 12-minute video.

At the conclusion of the video, click your back arrow, in the upper left of your screen, to return to the opening page.

Then, receive training credit by clicking the Click to log your participation in the training link at the bottom
of this page.

Please fill in your name and email, your Department name and my name (Tom Brown) & email (trbrown@purdue.edu) since, in this instance, I am your Safety Training Supervisor. This way, you and I will both be notified of your compliance to this training requirement. After filling in this information, click the next arrows to begin a five-question quiz.